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 Post subject: Lassic Loyalists?
PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, '08, 5:02 am 
I was looking over the Compendium book translation recently for information about the SPEC magazine. In the description of Phantasy Star: Outside Saga (an early PS comic), it mentions that people loyal to Lassic sabotaged a ship Alis and Lutz were on three years after PS1, sending them to another star system for an adventure. Apparently, Lutz learned about techniques there and brought them back to Algo.

The part I don't understand is this: who would have possibly been loyal to Lassic at that point? He had been dead for three years and Alis had passed up the throne (in the comic), so who would be trying to get rid of her?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, '08, 5:23 pm 
Hmmm, interesting. Perhaps someone had a grudge against her for getting rid of his/her great and almighty leader?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, '08, 5:57 pm 
You don't overthrow an interplanetary empire without making enemies in the process. There's bound to be some power struggles among various factions once the guy at the top is removed, too.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, '08, 9:45 pm 
Dr.Mad, maybe? Alis and crew could have avoid fighting him the second time.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, '08, 10:38 pm 
LaShiec had children at some point* and during the events of PSI they may have been already adults. It is possible that they were the ones responsible for the rebellion against Alis and the empire.

* - Although that story is not canonical (at least until today) it doesen't contradict the following information from the compendium time line. In fact, the compendium states that LaShiec's bloodline continued for a thousand of years in Parma:

AW 1284 - ...the underground resistance's young leaders, Ohario Sa Riik and Aina Le Cille, succeed in cutting off their spaceship's remote control system from Mother Brain, and, before the fall of Gaila, evacuate many people in rescue ships left over from the time of the Conjunction.* Two people of the La Shiec bloodline are among them. These tens of ships start a journey to look for a new world beyond their solar system.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, '08, 1:17 pm 
Good points, everyone. I had not considered Dr. Mad; he seems like a likely candidate. I suppose whoever ran the police for Lashiec would still be around, too.

I've always wondered about that line about the bloodline. It just doesn't seem to be related to anything else, so I'm not sure why it was mentioned in the book with relation to PSIII.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, '08, 4:01 am 
Thoul wrote:I've always wondered about that line about the bloodline. It just doesn't seem to be related to anything else, so I'm not sure why it was mentioned in the book with relation to PSIII.

Lol, indeed it seams like they were editing text and forgot that sentence in the middle. However I thought this could mean that Lashiec's bloodline merged with LeCille's bloodline, justifying why they have that kind of "dragon" magic... I don't know. Or perhaps they were the ones who provoked the Orakio War (helped DF) by causing misunderstanding between the two kingdoms. I have to think more about it.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, '08, 4:06 pm 
Things would probably be understood more if we had ourselves a prequal to 3, or a Gaiden of sorts that lets us witness the events of the Orakio/Laya War. If I had the time and more knowledge of RPG maker I'd give it a try, but making a PS style battle system would be murder just for one man. Cutscenes I could probably do if I took time to pixel them one by one like in PSIV. Ok I lost my train of thought.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 4, '09, 12:31 pm 
It's quite possible that even after three years, there were still supporters of Lassic, even though he was a tyrant. Some people undoubtedly had benefited from his rulership and I can imagine that they would be angry with Alis and would try to get revenge.

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