Packaged fruit & veggie recall

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Packaged fruit & veggie recall

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Oct 21, '10, 4:59 pm

Well, this is getting to be almost daily nowadays. :grumpy:

Another food recall....this one on some packaged fruits and veggies. This one may be a little more serious though as it seems 5 deaths may be linked to this recall: ... ood_safety

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Re: Packaged fruit & veggie recall

Postby Thoul » Fri Oct 22, '10, 2:23 am

Interesting that in this case, it's the government making a recall instead of the food company. The company is actually fighting this one tooth and nail from the sound of it. I don't know what's going on there, but I hope the government isn't using this company as a scapegoat for a problem that came from some other source.
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