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Postby Thoul » Thu Jan 3, '08, 8:11 am

After searching in a couple of towns on Dezoris, the Protectors have at last discovered the secret of the grave in the town of Tyler. One thousand years before, Tyler was a space pirate operating against the rule of Mother Brain in Algo. He saved many people from the destruction of Palma, some of whom he took to Dezoris. They founded a town near the space port. When Tyler made the town his home, his ship, the Landale was laid to rest with him.

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Jan 4, '08, 3:38 am

Aw, that's a very touching and good story. :yes:

On the other hand, I guess it gives new meaning to the term "He went down with the ship". :p

Sorry, I couldn't resist. :wink:
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Postby SparkyIII » Tue Jan 8, '08, 2:02 am

Lol, raja joke there. XD
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Re: Landale

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Sep 2, '16, 12:18 am

Bumping up this former Image Of The Day!

Still feel goose bumps reading about how the ship was laid to rest with Tyler. He sounds like a fascinating guy! What an honor to him this was!

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Re: Landale

Postby myau56 » Mon Sep 12, '16, 11:32 am

Tyler, a very important character back in PS 2 :)
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Re: Landale

Postby Snorb » Mon Sep 12, '16, 11:07 pm

Chaz: Isn't this grave robbing, Rune? I mean... the guy's dead.
Rune: And he can't take the ship with him wherever he wound up.
Chaz: Rune, we did a lot of bad things on this whole adventure. I mean, I was gonna complain when you burned down Molcum--
Rune: That was Zio, and I'd love to see you try to prove otherwise.
Chaz: --And you tried to set me on fire every single time I got knocked unconscious. But this... Tyler's buried on that spaceship, Rune. We gotta get another one.
Rune: He's not actually buried in the ship, you idiot. It's symbolic.
Rika: Like spelling someone's name wrong on a gravestone! XD
Raja: Well, chums, the sooner we got on that wreck, the sooner I can start my Motavian walkabout! Uh... you do know how to fly this thing, right?
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Re: Landale

Postby Icecypher » Wed Sep 14, '16, 4:58 pm

Tyler was interesting because, even though we see very little of him and what he does, he suggests the existence of so much more to the story and the universe than what is displayed in the game.
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Re: Landale

Postby myau56 » Fri Mar 31, '17, 12:31 pm

Icecypher wrote:Tyler was interesting because, even though we see very little of him and what he does, he suggests the existence of so much more to the story and the universe than what is displayed in the game.

So true ! I've always wanted to see so more about him ! After the rescue in the second one, no hints about him anymore, even aat the end ! But great surprise to "see him" back in the fourth one ! (at last his name tied to a town on Dezoris). :)
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Re: Landale

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Sep 26, '22, 7:25 pm

Tyler and Landale!

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Re: Landale

Postby myau56 » Tue Sep 27, '22, 12:04 pm

Tyler, Landale and so a nice spaceship ! :) :grouphug:
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