Kraft fined $37,000. appx.

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Kraft fined $37,000. appx.

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed May 9, '12, 6:38 am

Kraft foods has paid a fine of several thousand dollars after state inspectors in Wisconsin alledgedly found underweight packages of their meats in some stores: ... 54844906/1

I wonder if occurrences like this happen very often with all kinds of packaged foods, etc. I never would think to look for anything like this so I guess it's a good thing there are inspectors out there who do look for it.

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Re: Kraft fined $37,000. appx.

Postby Thoul » Wed May 9, '12, 7:03 am

It probably happens more often than you'd think. Otherwise there wouldn't be a need for inspectors, right? The average person isn't going to take a pack of meat home and weigh it. Without the inspectors, any company could get away with short changing the customers.
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