Killing Elephants

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Killing Elephants

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Nov 18, '17, 3:03 am

Really did not like this story I read on President Trump possibly lifting a ban on Elephant Trophies (Elephants killed) where the trophies (heads) could be brought back to the USA. ... cid=AARDHP

I know hunters like to hunt and the bigger prey the better in some cases, but I think this is wrong to kill these animals just for sport. I can understand when people hunt to put food on their table and feed their families. I don't understand and agree with killing elephants like this.

Very happy to read just before I typed this post that President Trump has delayed this decision while he becomes more informed on all the facts, etc. Hopefully he won't let this happen.

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Re: Killing Elephants

Postby myau56 » Sat Nov 18, '17, 12:32 pm

It's truly horrible to kill elephants... :(
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