Shark Aquarium

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Shark Aquarium

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Feb 25, '10, 10:31 pm

A leak in an aquarium can be cause for concern, especially if the aquarium has sharks in it: ... 700S03.DTL

Aquarium's are nice and fun to look at, and are very entertaining and educational as well.

Anyone here have an aquarium at home? If so, what do you have in your aquarium?

If you were to get an aquarium sometime in the future, what would you like to have in it?

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Re: Shark Aquarium

Postby Thoul » Fri Feb 26, '10, 7:20 pm

Personally, I would have been more worried about the 2 million gallons of water than the sharks. If that tank had catastrophic failure, the weight of the water would be more likely to do in the bystanders than the sharks would be.

Never had an aquarium myself. I thought about it a little when I was younger, but it wouldn't have meshed well with the cats we had at the time.
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