KFC secret recipe

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KFC secret recipe

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Feb 13, '09, 3:48 am

I read this story about KFC and "The Colonel's" secret recipe being safely transferred to a new, better protected and more secure place. At first I kinda laughed about it, and then after I thought about it awhile, I realized that this was really a BIG deal. Can you imagine if something had happened to "the secret recipe" during this time - gosh, "The Colonel" would have turned over in his grave, so to speak. :wink:

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090210/ap_ ... kfc_secret

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Postby Darkil » Fri Feb 27, '09, 2:27 am

Well it's basically what sets KFC away from anything else. I'm sure there are a lot of other places that have closely guarded recipes just so their competition won't be able to one up them. I do agree with you S_S, to the average consumer it seems like a silly idea but again if we need any reminding, just check out Spongebob episodes where Plankton tries to get the Krabby Patty formula
Last edited by Darkil on Fri Feb 27, '09, 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Lucas » Fri Feb 27, '09, 1:09 pm

Lol :lol: Spongebob I haven't watched that in years. Oh and yeah I love KFC I'm suprised they really think the secret recipe needs better protection.

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