KFC new Doublicious

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KFC new Doublicious

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jun 30, '10, 11:33 pm

KFC has a new sandwich...the "Doublicious".

Remember not too long ago KFC introduced a new sandwich called the "Double Down" which had no bun....this time it looks like they are paying more attention to the bun.

http://www.slashfood.com/2010/06/28/get ... le-down%2F

What do you think of this new KFC sandwich? Will you try one?

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Re: KFC new Doublicious

Postby Thoul » Thu Jul 1, '10, 1:42 am

I probably won't try it, but I'd be more inclined to give it a shot than the bunless version from a while back. This might be a little bit less of a nutritional nightmare.
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Re: KFC new Doublicious

Postby Tanith » Thu Jul 1, '10, 5:31 am

I'm sorry, but even the name of this sandwich is embarrassing. I'd be ashamed of myself for saying, "I'd like one Doublicious, please."

I won't get one because I'm not a fan of KFC, and I prefer the chicken sandwiches at Chick-fil-A. They are proportioned more appropriately and taste better.
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