
Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)


Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jan 7, '16, 4:59 am

I heard today that a major restaurant had replaced their coleslaw with a kale dish:

http://www.businessinsider.com/chick-fi ... ore-2016-1

I don't think I have ever eaten any kale. Has anyone here eaten it? How does it taste?

I wonder how this will go over with fans of this restaurant and if other restaurants may try something similar.

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Re: Kale

Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Jan 7, '16, 2:24 pm

I've had it before. It's a dark leafy green, which some online communities seem to be hailing as the new superfood which is the key to health. While kale is most certainly very good for you (moreso than coleslaw) it is in no way some magical thing that will grant health.
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