Justice League movie

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Justice League movie

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jun 9, '12, 4:21 am

After all the huge success of "The Avengers" movie, I am reading more and more stories about a possible soon to be "Justice League" movie. It seems that various people have been working on a movie like this for years and trying to get it off the ground with little success, however, now after "The Avengers", it seems that maybe, just maybe, this project may get the boost it has needed for so long.

Here's a recent article on this subject of a Justice League movie:

http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-tal ... 40882.html

Comments or Opinions anyone??

For myself, I think they would have greater success with a movie like this if they stuck with some well known portrayers of some of these characters instead of going with unknowns or newer actors. For example, I think having Christian Bale as Batman and possible Tom Welling as Superman, etc., would give this movie the extra edge it might need to be successful. These two actors are already established and both have a huge fan base and would draw many viewers to a movie. They could each continue to do their characters seperately to a successful degree also. As with "The Avengers" we have already seen a "Thor" and "Captain America" movie which only added to the success of "The Avengers" total package.

What does everyone else think? Who would you pick to play the Justice League characters in a movie?

LOL, cute comment in the article where they ask "Avengers" director Josh Whedon if he had any advice for a Justice League movie!!! :lol:

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Re: Justice League movie

Postby Thoul » Sat Jun 9, '12, 9:35 am

I'd love to see a Justice League movie, but it will bomb terribly if it isn't handled correctly. Part of Avengers' success is that it had an excellent build up with other movies introducing the characters. Nearly everyone going into it already knew the story of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, and Hulk from their own films. A lot of backstory to establish the personalities and abilities of the characters wasn't necessary. If Justice League goes forward without similar world building in individual movies, it will have to introduce all of the characters to the audience (except maybe Superman and Batman). That's going to eat up too much of the movie and kill the experience.

As for casting, I've no idea. I'm not convinced Bale's take on Batman would work alongside a Justice League. Superman, there are a lot of good options that could work for him. Any of the recent actors could do well, but I imagine the first pick would be the guy in the upcoming Superman movie. Assuming that does well, anyway.
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Re: Justice League movie

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Mar 5, '13, 11:56 pm

Well, all kinds of delays and set backs seem to be happening to a possible "Justice League " movie, so I guess it happens when it happens whenever that turns out to be. :sad:

In the meantime, rumors are swirling about in some places online that actor Christian Bale and producer Christopher Nolan may be joining together again with this new JL film and we'll just have to wait and see whether the rumors are true or just that..rumor.

http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-tal ... 23135.html

Anyone have any thoughts about this team joing together again for this new movie. Do you think it could work or not?

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Justice League movie

Postby Thoul » Wed Mar 6, '13, 3:35 am

It could work, but it depends on how it is handled. I believe Nolan always said that in his Batman trilogy, that was a world with no other super heroes. So maybe this wouldn't be the same Batman, but just Bale playing a different version of the character. *shrug*

At any rate, I won't believe this rumor unless there is an official announcement confirming it. I believe Nolan has said he wasn't involved with the Justice League project in the past , but he could change his mind.
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