Jay Leno stayin with NBC

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Jay Leno stayin with NBC

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Dec 9, '08, 11:28 pm

Jay Leno has decided to stay with NBC when his turn as "Tonight Show" host is over. He will have a program on at 10 p.m. mon-fri. each week.

Do you think this was a good move for Jay and NBC, or what? There were several other tv stations that were possibly hoping he would join their team, but now that's not going to happen. NBC didn't want to lose him to another network either, I'll bet, because they could have lost valuable ratings. Jay's salary will probably be huge, but the network will probably still save considering what other programming for that time period could have cost.

Personally, I think they will regret giving Conan O'Brien the role of host of "The Tonight show". No matter which way you look at it now, Jay Leno will still be on "tonight" every week night, in my book. :wink:

Going to be interesting to see how this program schedule works out.

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Postby Thoul » Wed Dec 10, '08, 12:25 am

It seems very odd to me. Leno leaving one show for another of the same kind on the same network? I just don't see the point to all of it.
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