It's that music thread!

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Re: It's that music thread!

Postby augmentedfourth » Mon Feb 4, '13, 5:55 pm

I had a feeling you'd like that track! :)

You know, now that you mention it, two of my best friends (including the aforementioned Metallica fan) were really into Shadow of the Colossus for a while when it came out. (I got frustrated with the controls and didn't want to take a turn playing, but I did enjoy watching them play.) I remember really liking the soundtrack at the time, though by now I can't remember any of it, of course. Off to the youtubes I go!
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Re: It's that music thread!

Postby Rylen » Mon Feb 4, '13, 11:51 pm

Hmm.. Music.. what does Rylen like for music.

I grew up listing to Jazz so that's one of the areas I follow. Pat Methany and Spyra Gyro are two artists that I keep in my collection. I am also into some Progressive metal. My love of Dream Theater is the stuff of legends. Though I also enjoy Joe Satriani and have been getting more into Threshold (their "March of Progress" album is rather neat). Though as far as Jazz goes that's the only area I can fire up Pandora and listen with out having to worry about who it is.

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Re: It's that music thread!

Postby Bragatyr » Tue Feb 5, '13, 12:49 am

I was wondering when someone was going to express a love for jazz! I unfortunately only have a few jazz albums, but I do love Dave Brubeck and some John Coltrane. I'm not familiar with Pat Metheny's stuff, unfortunately (though of course I know of his considerable reputation) but I have a friend who's really into that kind of technical jazz, especially Frank Gambale. I've always been meaning to track down some good big-band stuff, because I love all the horns and that kind of stuff, but the bulk of jazz-related stuff in my library is jazz fusion, like Mahavishnu Orchestra, Ozone Quartet, and National Health. And of course one of my favorite bands, Magma, has a big jazz influence (and some killer jazz bass and drumming). Is there any chance you could suggest some good jazz songs or albums for me to check out?

I love Dream Theater, too. I haven't followed them since Train of Thought, but I loved everything from Images and Words on.

But yeah, as far as that Myst track goes, I have to admit that anything with powerful vocals is going to win me over. That's why the Metroid Prime series has some of my favorite music ever. The main theme from the first game, Phendrana Drifts, Bryyo (Cliffside)...I could listen to those soundtracks all day. I just tend to prefer stuff that is kind of dark and moody. So Metroid and Castlevania are pretty high up there for me.

Or anything in Latin. Probably why I love Stravinsky's "Oedipus rex" so much.
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Re: It's that music thread!

Postby augmentedfourth » Tue Feb 5, '13, 1:35 am

I will assume you are familiar with Stravinsky's "Symphony of Psalms", then (which may be my favorite work of his). :)

(And if I was incorrect in my assumption, RUN, don't walk, to check it out!)
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Re: It's that music thread!

Postby Bragatyr » Tue Feb 5, '13, 11:27 pm

I actually don't have that one, oddly enough. I remember reading about it back when I was really into the 20th century classical thing, but I'll definitely have to try to get a copy of it. I see he used the good old Vulgate for the text. Stravinsky sure seems to have liked that Latin! I wonder why no one ever uses the Septuagint (except in Eastern Orthodox communities, of course). Or the actual Hebrew, with Old Testament texts. I think Greek in particular is a very underrated language for vocal music.

I was just looking through a list of his works on Wikipedia, and realizing that I need to track down a lot of them. But speaking of his neo-classical period, how do you like Apollon musagète?
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Re: It's that music thread!

Postby Wolf Bird » Tue Feb 5, '13, 11:52 pm

Bragatyr wrote:And Wolf Bird, I saw that you were listening to Green Man, by Type O Negative, recently. They are quite easily my second favorite band of all time, and I love that song. I'm so glad I got to see them back when I was in college. Definitely the best live experience I've ever had. Peter Steele was just awesome.

Yeah, some of their stuff popped up on Spotify, so I checked it out! I have to be in the mood for doom metal, but it was pretty good! I presume you got that from my signature banner. If you don't know this already, anyone (including you on this forum!) can click on it and it'll refresh to list whatever song is the most recent on my profile. Doesn't auto update (for good reason), but click on it and it'll refresh pretty quick.
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Re: It's that music thread!

Postby augmentedfourth » Thu Feb 7, '13, 4:22 pm

Bragatyr wrote:I was just looking through a list of his works on Wikipedia, and realizing that I need to track down a lot of them. But speaking of his neo-classical period, how do you like Apollon musagète?

Oopsies, missed this post before. I haven't heard that piece, but I'll go check it out!
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Re: It's that music thread!

Postby Wolf Bird » Sat Feb 16, '13, 8:40 pm

So last night, I had another show: GOJIRA!! Best show I've been to yet, blew all the others out of the water within two songs. Here's photo albums. The visual/music integration was utterly stunning.
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Re: It's that music thread!

Postby MrKite » Sun Feb 17, '13, 3:32 am

What got me into music? LOL, I'm not really sure. Music has been a big part of me ever since I was 2 years old. My all-time favorite album is Pink Floyd's The Wall, the first album I ever heard by Atlantic Records was "Kick" by INXS, my favorite soundtrack album from the 1980's is TOP GUN, my favorite video game soundtracks are:

Mega Man
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 6
Mega Man 7

My favorite rap album is "Paul's Boutique" by The Beastie Boys.
My favorite Beatles album is "Rubber Soul"
My favorite album by the Rolling Stones is "Tattoo You"

More to come ^_^
Mr. Kite, FOA's resident Alys Brangwin fanboy. Thank you Lyla2284 for making this pic that I used to make this sig.

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Re: It's that music thread!

Postby Bragatyr » Sun Feb 17, '13, 6:15 am

Dude, I have to commend you for your taste in video game music. Mega Man is just undoubtedly one of the best. The first game is so underrated within the series, too, as far as the music goes, so I'm glad to see it on that list. I think the first Wily stage from that game is one of the best in the series. And 5 has the Proto Man/Dark Man stage theme, which is just epic. I unfortunately haven't played 6 and 7. 6 in particular I really need to track down soon. Also, do you think Wily Stage 1 from Mega Man 2 is the best video game song ever? I know it's a popular choice, but I have to say that it is. It's just that good.

And Wolf Bird, I'm glad to hear the show was awesome. That lighting does look pretty cool in those pictures, too. It kind of reminds me of the lighting King Crimson did for the Eyes Wide Open DVD, which was amazing, especially on Larks Tongues in Aspic Part IV.

That actually has me interested about everyone's favorite concert experiences.
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