If you could learn any language...

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If you could learn any language...

Postby Neithird » Sun Dec 9, '07, 3:12 am

With all the different languages in the world today, which one would you try to learn if had the time and opportunity to learn just one?

I'd like to learn French sometime... France sounds like it would be a nice place to visit, so that's why.
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Postby SparkyIII » Sun Dec 9, '07, 8:10 pm

I'd like to be like those super teachers who somehow know like 8 different languages! I'm on spanish, next might be French, if not then .....i don't know German, maybe.
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Postby Tsunami » Sun Dec 9, '07, 9:09 pm

I'd like to learn either more Frech (I know a little bit, though not much) or Japanese. Though I may go with the latter.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Dec 10, '07, 3:37 pm

I would like to learn several. I'd like to know what people of other languages are saying. :wink Mostly, I'd like to know French, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Russian (always need to keep up with Russia), and probably Japanese or Chinese (for the same reason as Russian, not because I particularly am fond of the language in either place). Maybe Swedish too. Probably some others I can't think of now.

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Postby Thoul » Tue Dec 11, '07, 2:24 am

Japanese, definitely. I'd like to be able to play all the great games that don't get released in the US.
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