If you could ask the creators one question...

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Postby Celeith » Sun Sep 23, '07, 5:56 pm

Chaz: WTH? Damnit don't tell me my swing is still to low?

Alys: Chaz your such a noob..

Zio: Such noobness, Die! *shoots black wave*

Chaz: OH ****

*Everyone gathers in a circle*

Rika: So should we let that thing hit him?

Alys: He'll be able to move, look how slow its going.

Gryz: Its getting closer and he's not moving.

Hahn: Rock paper scissors?

*Alys and the group begin playing RPS, last person to lose jumps.*

Rika: Yay! I lost. ^_^

Gryz: Me to. ^_^/

*Alys and Hahn play RPS to save Chaz.*

Alys: Damnit, you cheated, best two outta three.

Hahn: No way, I won fair and square.

*Alys sighs and jumps in front of the black wave saving Chaz's life*

and thats how it really happened.
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Postby Tsunami » Sun Sep 23, '07, 8:42 pm

Hahaha! For some reason, I pictured the group playing cards rather then playing rock/paper/scissors. :D

Fogeltje wrote:The universal question would of course be why the heck Nei was killed. That was really something new and radical. As with Alys, there I wonder why Chaz didn't simply duck. Alys had the reflex to jump in front of him, surely Chaz, as a skilled hunter, would have gotten enough time to get out of the way.

I think it's rather ironic that one blast killed Alys, while when you refight him, you can get struck by the black wave again and none of the characters become deathly ill. :p

As for Nei...well, she did have that link with Neifirst. :(
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Postby Shinuzzo » Sun Sep 23, '07, 10:36 pm

Well, I'm guessing the Psycho Wand probably reduces the effect of the black wave. I wonder if it would corrupted Demi's systems or something, if it had hit her head-on.
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Postby Thoul » Mon Sep 24, '07, 12:55 am

Alys' reaction to the wave was probably part of a mothering instinct. She displays some signs of that when taking Rika in, and I think it was what led her to take Chaz in when he was young.

Psycho Wand on the black wave makes sense. It probably weakened Zio's connection to Dark Force all around.
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Postby The $ Avenger » Mon Sep 24, '07, 1:24 am

Thoul wrote:Psycho Wand on the black wave makes sense. It probably weakened Zio's connection to Dark Force all around.
Agreed, though I didn't think of that the first time I played; I think my heart skipped a beat when Zio did it the second time around, because I thought I lost Rune :o !!
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