If Alys dies... • Phantasy Star: Fringes of Algo

If Alys dies...

Fan written stories based on Phantasy Star IV.

Postby Rick » Fri Sep 10, '10, 5:28 am

This summarizes Rune

At age 14, Lyla lost her parents when they were attacked by highwaymen, but she herself was rescued by a Hunter named Galf. She soon met Thray, and the two became close, but, after Galf's death, Thray disappeared. Thray knew that he had to leave sometime and so disappeared to hasten Lyla's own independence. [And so she becomes *too* independent, takes on Zio against Thray's advice, and gets killed. Good plan, Thray.

LOL Now that's just funny

Aly's death shows How idiotic Rune is

Even worse when Rune tells them "Not to take on Zio" knowing they will x.x
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