I thought Atari games would be rare...

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I thought Atari games would be rare...

Postby Thoul » Thu Mar 5, '09, 12:37 am

It's been so long since old Atari 2600 went out that by now, I thought the games were pretty rare to find in good condition. But apparently not... here's an article about a company that purchased some of Atari's surplus back in the day. They bought three million games from Atari back in 1990. It's been nearly twenty years now and they still haven't sold them all.
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Postby LordShibas » Thu Mar 5, '09, 4:31 pm

LOL, you can download a 7.3 MB zip file with all 1,700 Atari 2600 ROMs in it in about 10 seconds.
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Postby Lemina » Fri Mar 6, '09, 12:44 am

Goes to show how well loved Atari is in the grand scheme of things, huh?


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Postby hugues » Fri Mar 6, '09, 1:25 am

Every year at the http://www.midwestgamingclassic.com/ there's at least one vendor who has stacks of sealed Atari 2600 and 7800 games for $2-$5 apiece. I guess this must be where they're getting them from because the titles mentioned are the same ones I always see there.
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Postby Lucas » Fri Mar 6, '09, 11:43 am

They are definitly not rare I bought my Atari 2600 off ebay at the start of last year and like 32 games all up. The games were only like between 50c-$5.00 each. Definitly not an essential purchase but cool none the less. Its just sows how much video games have advanced in the last 30 years.

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Re: I thought Atari games would be rare...

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Oct 10, '09, 9:02 pm

We still have our Atari game systems and most of our old games. I would never part with them...atleast choosingly doing so...they are some of the most fun games I remember, even though I rarely play them now.

It's good to know that the games are so cheap though in case any of our old ones don't work for some reason or other...I wouldn't mind having a spare just in case. :wink:

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Re: I thought Atari games would be rare...

Postby PathfinderCS » Sun Oct 11, '09, 1:16 am

I'm still looking for a good deal on an Atari 2600 system. I would really like to experience these games eventually.

Same goes for Intellivision, ColecoVision, and Vectrex. Respect the classics. :clap:
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