I saw a deer

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I saw a deer

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jun 27, '09, 11:17 pm

I was in the kitchen fixing a snack (got hungry talking about all that cheese in the other post thread, lol), when I looked out in the yard and there was a real live deer just walking around outside. :blank: What a pleasant surprise.

He/she looked cute, but kinda like he/she was lost or something. I didn't see any other deer around anywhere. It stayed in the yard for about 15-20 minutes or so, that I saw. It went to both bird feeders and ate stuff underneath the feeders. I had just recently gotten a different kind of bird food that had corn in it, so maybe he liked that. I'll have to get more of it. :p

We used to see deer all the time in our yard, but it's been a year or so since I saw the last one. Quite a thrill. :happy_marle:

Do you ever see deer in your yard? Or any other wild animals???

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Re: I saw a deer

Postby Lemina » Sun Jun 28, '09, 2:44 am

I see a lot of deer in the forest reserve near my house. I've also seen a deer snacking on a neighbor's plants in their yard. It was amusing, my family and I all thought that it was a deer statue until we saw it chewing. :lol:

I saw a nest of wild rabbit babies in a neighbor's yard yesterday. It was so exciting! I've never seen baby rabbits before. I was able to snag a picture of them this morning.


Credits to Altin for the sig. Thank you dude! ^_^
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Re: I saw a deer

Postby Wolf Bird » Sun Jun 28, '09, 5:26 am

Well, we live near a river. So we get a lot of birds, including ducks. Also a lot of small mammals, like opossums, rabbits, groundhogs and the occasional raccoon. We have a humane trap to try and catch these animals, though, as they eat the stuff in my mom's gardens. When we watch one we release it ASAP at a nearby national forest nature reserve.
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Re: I saw a deer

Postby Lucas » Sun Jun 28, '09, 1:36 pm

I usually see a group of eight Kangaroos at least once a week. I refer to them as the neighbourhood gang :lol: because everyone has seen them at some point and they are well known in my area. They usually hang around the bush not far from my place from 6.00am to 8.00am then where they go after that is a mystery to me.

We also see lots of birds mostly kookaburras and cockatoos. Heaps of small reptiles like lizards and blind worms (yes blind worms are a type of reptile :blank: ) and we also have a fair few snakes but they only come out in summer otherwise they're never around. Possums are constantly raiding our garden to so we have had to move all our vegetables into a greenhouse so they can't get in. I think that's about it. :wink:

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Re: I saw a deer

Postby Thoul » Sun Jun 28, '09, 10:22 pm

I built a bird house back in high school (I took wood shop class) that was up on a tree for a long time. When I looked for it a few weeks ago, it had fallen to the ground. :( A lot of birds used it for a nest over the years. I used to see them going in and out of it all the time.

Aside from that, we have the typical stuff. A possum and a raccoon come around some evenings. Usually at night, but now they've started showing up before dark because the sun is out so late. There used to be a whole family of raccoons, but now there's just one. Lizards are around. Occasionally there's a rabbit or snake, but they stay away mostly.

There's a lake about a mile down the road - geese and ducks love it. They don't come this far down, but I often see them when going past the lake on the way to town.
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Re: I saw a deer

Postby Darkil » Mon Jun 29, '09, 1:40 pm

I usually don't see dear unless we head to Alabama or Louisiana. I used to see them heading out to my friends house, but after all the development I'm sure they've since been relocated.
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Re: I saw a deer

Postby XxEnslavedNekoxX » Mon Jun 29, '09, 1:56 pm

I saw a large Deer or Elk walking down one of the streets in Carson City one time. It was at like 3 am but still a surprise to see one where alot of people live. I almost thought I was seeing things for a moment.
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Re: I saw a deer

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jul 4, '09, 9:12 pm

Well, my little deer friend has been back a few times already. He's always by himself, or herself, as whatever the case may be. No horns, so I haven't a clue whether it's a male deer or a doe. It eats a little bit under our bird feeders and then goes on it's merry way. :mrgreen:

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Re: I saw a deer

Postby Wolf Bird » Sat Jul 4, '09, 10:21 pm

If it doesn't have antlers then it's probably at least not an adult buck. Maybe it's a young buck or a female of any age. I know bucks shed stuff off their antlers, but once they're there, I don't think they lose them completely.
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Re: I saw a deer

Postby XxEnslavedNekoxX » Sun Jul 5, '09, 4:57 am

It's awesome that it continues to come back :D
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