It's hard to tell about the arm isn't it?
I know the forearm is a little short, but looking at the compendium image, the upper arm looks almost spot on by a small margin. Then again, the white garment she's wearing is a big longer in this picture than the original too so it may throw your memory off. I think the arm turned out ok as far as proportion goes at least.
I know it took me a few shots. She had a knobbly elbow, a fat arm and even a little bicep there at one point.
I'm just a bit miffed about the hair colour but, given what I had to use, I couldn't do a lot.
Anyways, thanks for the pencil tip Thoul. Glad to see I made the right choice.
I think I saw some in the art store the last time I was in there so I'll see if they have them in 36 packs and nab one tomorrow, because no matter what I do the pencils I use now just don't apply very smooth or evenly. I actually find I'm happier with the drawing before it's coloured. So here's hoping that'll change.