I have a bad caffeine addiction I need to kick

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I have a bad caffeine addiction I need to kick

Postby MrKite » Tue Apr 9, '19, 7:46 am

Okay, so it's probably not as serious as an addiction to drugs and alcohol, but I have had a really bad addiction to drinks with caffeine in them, whether it be coffee, soda, whatever, and I think it is having a bad effect on me, and I need to find a way to fight it. I also know it isn't healthy for me, but despite that, I feel as if it is the only thing that "keeps the engine running" as they say, on a regular basis, and I end up looking for excuses to consume more of it such as me being too sleepy or tired to do things for example or trying to keep my creative spark going when I am making videos, writing stories, or doing most things I do as a hobby. I have made attempts to try and either stop consuming it altogether or just not drink it as much as usual, and they haven't lasted long, and I find myself always looking for excuses to drink more of it as I said, like when I order pizza, fast food or chinese and the like. And since I have been a member of this forum longer than any other forum I have ever been at in my entire life (will have been a member here for 10 years already later this year) and would like some help in this issue, thought I'd seek some advice here considering how close so much of us have become. I can't take it anymore. I really want to try and fight this as much as I can. Not sure if I will be able to give up on it period, but I want to make an effort to not consume so much of it so many times.
Last edited by MrKite on Tue Apr 9, '19, 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mr. Kite, FOA's resident Alys Brangwin fanboy. Thank you Lyla2284 for making this pic that I used to make this sig.

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Re: I have a bad caffeine addiction I need to kick

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Apr 9, '19, 7:05 pm

Good luck to you Mr. Kite as you fight this battle you have undertaken to kick caffeine, etc. I think you are on the right track by just trying to lessen your consumption, one day at a time. Hopefully others here may have some better advice for you.

I recently started drinking coffee during the cold winter months here (usually just one cup a day) and can understand how addictive it can become. Now that warmer weather is here, I am trying to give the coffee up, but it is hard to do. I also drink soda's, but usually only one or two a day is my limit.

Best of luck to you, and congratulations on being a member of The Fringes Of Algo for nearly 10 years! :clap:
Last edited by Silver_Surfer1 on Tue Apr 9, '19, 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I have a bad caffeine addiction I need to kick

Postby myau56 » Wed Apr 10, '19, 11:31 am

Same here : good luck for this hard battle to fight ! :grouphug:
It's hard and I don't have any advice but keep up !
And congratulations for your 10 years membership ! :clap: :fiery:
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