Hurricane Joaquin

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Hurricane Joaquin

Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Oct 1, '15, 6:22 pm

I think this storm is on steroids or something since about 24 hours ago it was still a tropical storm, and it has since exploded, gotten its act together and as of 11 am EST today, is a strong Category 3 storm, almost Category 4, on the Saffir-Simpson scale.

The National Hurricane Center has tons of interesting maps and also updates its advisories every few hours with the latest on the the storm. It's looking increasingly likely that this storm is going to make a turn to the north and ride up the east coast of the US, and possible even make landfall in the mid-Atlantic or even New England, which means I am potentially in its path. As it moves north it will probably weaken, but that means it can still dump a huge amount of rain and bring quite a storm surge with it.
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Re: Hurricane Joaquin

Postby Snorb » Thu Oct 1, '15, 6:47 pm

Joaquim's kinda aimed more or less directly at where I'm living, so there's a small chance I might have to switch to my phone for internet if something REALLY bad happens.
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Re: Hurricane Joaquin

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Oct 1, '15, 8:34 pm

I really hope Joaquin isn't as bad as it is sounding to be from all the weather forecasts I have heard so far, but yeah, it sounds as if it is going to be one to keep an eye on for the next several days. I think the only impact to our area will probably be a good amount of rain, but you never know with these things and how they are going to go.

Hope everyone stays safe!

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Re: Hurricane Joaquin

Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Oct 1, '15, 10:13 pm

If it tracks straight north as forecast it'll hit this area hard too. And you don't have to get hit by the center to get it hard, especially in a storm that's large like this one. The effects spread way out from the eye.

The latest NHC advisory also upgraded it to a category 4.
Last edited by Wolf Bird on Thu Oct 1, '15, 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hurricane Joaquin

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Oct 4, '15, 2:32 am

Saw some pictures earlier and it looks like the Carolina's are getting slammed with rain and lots of flooding! Even though this Hurricane may be turning away from the US, the rains are still hitting some areas hard. It's been raining here off and on all day but nothing like they are having in the Carolina's. It looks really bad up that way.

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