Hulk Hogan sues

Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

Hulk Hogan sues

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue May 25, '10, 9:28 pm

Hulk Hogan is sueing the makers of the cereal "Cocoa Pebbles":

I haven't seen the commercial, but I'll bet it's really cute.

I can understand the Hulk's position on this, but I hope these parties can reach some kind of agreement and work this all out to everyone's satisfaction.

By the way, any Flintstones fans here? They rock! :D

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Re: Hulk Hogan sues

Postby Thoul » Tue May 25, '10, 9:41 pm

They're probably reach a settlement to avoid a costly court run. From that article, it sounds like Hogan has a clear cut case of unauthorized usage. Post probably could have gotten out of it without any cost if they had stopped running the commercials when he first raised objections. At the very least, it would have cost them a lot less than it will now.
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