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Postby Thoul » Sat Mar 31, '07, 7:36 pm

Do you have any pets? If so, this is a thread to talk about them in. :D

We have a couple of cats. They were born last year, but they sure have grown a lot since then. One of them was the runt of the litter, a tiny little thing that loved nothing more than to curl up in a lap. Now he's bloody huge. He's still growing too... he's going to be massive when he's all grown up.
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Re: Pets

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Mar 31, '07, 10:33 pm

I have cats also. Sweet little things for the most part, except they have a mind of their own and they use it to every advantage, and don't appreciate it when I sometimes don't see everything "their" way. :D Just kidding, I love them dearly and they express their love very often as well in various (sometimes mindboggling) ways. :cat:

I've had some birds (parakeets, canaries), rabbits, and a few dogs over the years. I always wanted a "Lassie" type dog - a Collie, I think it is. They are beautiful dogs. Although it might take some training to make one as smart as Lassie was.

Some people say Cats and Dogs don't get along too well, but I know otherwise. I had a dog at one time that took it up all on her own and nursed a little kitty who didn't have a mom. That's special. Animals get along together just fine sometimes, but if they are raised or shown otherwise, there comes the problem, in my opinion.

And, not to keep posting and hogging this topic thread, but has everyone else heard about the recent Pet Food recall. This is terrifying to a pet owner. Thank goodness we didn't have any of that tainted or recalled food. It is still scary as they keep adding to the brands to be recalled, though.
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Re: Pets

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Apr 9, '07, 7:31 pm

I saw something this morning when I got on the internet about something new geared toward pets, and their owners too, I suppose. It was Pet Insurance. Is that weird, or what? I haven't read too much about it yet, but I think it is something along the lines of Life Insurance for pets sort of like people have.

If you are a pet owner, would you consider buying insurance for your pet? I'd have to give this one some more thought and investigation before answering.

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Re: Pets

Postby Thoul » Tue Apr 10, '07, 3:44 am

Pet insurance? That does sound kind of weird... I guess I can see some people going for it, though. Pets can really become part of a family, so I guess it kind of make sense in that way. I'm sure there are some expensive pets that have probably had it for years.

Still, it seems a bit odd to me. I don't think I would go for that.
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Re: Pets

Postby Tsunami » Fri May 4, '07, 12:59 am

My mom has a few german shepards, but I'm a cat lover myself. I have a black and white kitty, named Cookie, since I thought the name 'Oreo' was cliché. :roll: But hey, his name fits.

He sleeps all day, and when he's not sleeping, he meows. Sure, that was cute when he was little, but now it's just annoying and keeps me awake at night. :\

Secret_Surfer wrote:I saw something this morning when I got on the internet about something new geared toward pets, and their owners too, I suppose. It was Pet Insurance. Is that weird, or what? I haven't read too much about it yet, but I think it is something along the lines of Life Insurance for pets sort of like people have.

If you are a pet owner, would you consider buying insurance for your pet? I'd have to give this one some more thought and investigation before answering.

I'm sorry, and you can call me cynical of the world we live in, but I'm sure there would be people who would get pets just for that and harm them for money.

Really, that was the first thought that came to mind after reading that. x_x
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Postby Sharline » Fri May 4, '07, 10:21 am

We, that , my boyfriend and I, have a cat, who's completely black, called Sooty (original, huh?) and a black labrador called Cassie. We also have two guinea pigs called Compo and Cleggy.
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Re: Pets

Postby Triumvirate » Fri May 4, '07, 2:40 pm

We've got 2 cats and 2 dogs in my house. Dogs are a greyhound and a dalmatian. Our greyhound is huge, bigger than the average one.
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Re: Pets

Postby Neithird » Fri May 4, '07, 4:31 pm

Tsunami wrote:I'm sorry, and you can call me cynical of the world we live in, but I'm sure there would be people who would get pets just for that and harm them for money.

Really, that was the first thought that came to mind after reading that. x_x

That would be terrible. I hope that wouldn't happen, but you're probably right. How sad for the poor animals. :cry:
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Re: Pets

Postby Thoul » Fri May 4, '07, 9:04 pm

Tsunami wrote:He sleeps all day, and when he's not sleeping, he meows. Sure, that was cute when he was little, but now it's just annoying and keeps me awake at night. :\

Heh, one of our cats does that, too. It seems like everytime we leave the room, she goes off like a siren. It can get on your nerves pretty badly. :grumpy:
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Re: Pets

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri May 4, '07, 10:49 pm

Tsunami wrote:I'm sorry, and you can call me cynical of the world we live in, but I'm sure there would be people who would get pets just for that and harm them for money.

Really, that was the first thought that came to mind after reading that. x_x

Goodness, that thought had not even crossed my mind until reading this post. You know you're probably one hundred percent right, though. Very sad to think someone might stoop so low, but yeah, the world today can be a crazy place sometimes.
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