How many is too much??

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How many is too much??

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jan 12, '13, 12:15 am

Just read about a town in Kansas that has banned people from having more than 4 cats!! Say what!!! It seems there is also a similar ban regarding dogs. ... ansas-town

In my humble opinion as a cat owner.....this is a dumb ban!!!

I can sympathize with their reasons for doing so, but come on, as one of the comments points out, if a cat has kittens then they have probably broken the ban as a lot of cats have more than 4 kittens in one litter.

I'm not saying how many cats I have, but it is over 4!! And, if they passed a dumb law or ban like this where I lived then I would move!!

Seems like there is always someone wanting to tell someone else how to live here in America....isn't this supposed to be the land of the FREE!!!! Egads, I feel like posting in the "Letting Off Steam" thread or something!!! :bang:

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Re: How many is too much??

Postby Thoul » Sat Jan 12, '13, 7:01 am

Must be one of those towns that goes out of their way to enforce controls on breeding of the pet population. Four does seem like a low limit, given how cats can often have more than three kittens. This strikes me as the local government's way of saying "don't want to go over the limit? take your pet to the vet and it won't be a problem."
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Re: How many is too much??

Postby Rylen » Sat Jan 12, '13, 9:36 pm

Seems to be a little bit obsessive to me. They are probably trying to prevent "cat ladies". the ones that have over twenty cats or so. My complex has rule like that about having one cat. Which is fine for me. Still sometimes it would be nice to have another one since they are great company.
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Re: How many is too much??

Postby Tweeg » Sun Jan 13, '13, 3:22 am

Kinda like this one small town out near the coast here in South Carolina that outlawed whistling in public. Totally what is known as a "scoff law", but do you really want to test out and see if they're going to enforce it or not? My understanding is that the then governor of the state contacted the mayor of that town directly to reprove him for even considering the idea of passing such an absurd law, but I have no idea whether or not it ever got repealed.

And yes, cats (and dogs too) commonly birth more than four babies at one time.

Next thing you know they're going to outlaw being right-handed... wouldn't that be a kick to 80% of the populace?
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Re: How many is too much??

Postby myau56 » Sun Jan 13, '13, 11:54 am

A very strange decision ! As I'm a cat owner, and even if it's a cat who is only living with me in my flat (impossible to go outside), I know that 4 kitten by births is a low rated level ! So that's not the best decision to take !
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Re: How many is too much??

Postby Aeroprism » Mon Jan 14, '13, 12:27 pm

Too many is when the owner can't care for them properly anymore.

I have two cats and I believe that a third would be too many for me.

One of my friends has four and his girlfriend treats them better then most people treat their kids. It's a matter of skill, dedication, attention and priorities. Funny enough, there is a 2 pets limit per household where he lives yet, he will never be in trouble for having 4 because his cats are sterilized, they stay indoor, they are clean and will not attract attention.
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