How do you refer to this season?

Celebrating all those special times in each year.

How do you refer to this season?

Postby Thoul » Wed Dec 5, '07, 8:32 am

When you speak of the upcoming holidays, how do you refer to this season? Do you call it Christmas, X-Mas, or just the holiday season?

I've always used "Christmas." I found it annoying when, a few years ago, some people started raising a stink about that not being politically correct and trying to get people and companies to stop using the word.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Dec 5, '07, 5:46 pm

Well, mostly I say "Merry Christmas", as you can see by my signature line, lol. I normally use them all in some form or other I think though.

I do use "X-Mas" from time to time, although whenever I use it I feel a tad bad about it afterward because there was also a point brought up years ago that when the term "X-Mas" was used instead of the word "Christmas" it was almost like trying to take the word "Christ" out of the Christmas holiday. :o I have never had that intention and most certainly would never think of that. My reason for using the term "X-Mas" is that it was a shorter word and therefore quicker to write. So, I'm lazy sometimes, but when you write a lot of Christmas Cards, etc., sometimes you look for a quicker way to wish people Christmas Cheer, ya know? Me bad, I guess. I really had not thought of it any other way. I also think that the "nincompoops" (pardon my whatever) who come up with this termonology or reasoning about why you can, or can't, use whatever word or whatever it happens to be, really need to get a life and find something worthwhile to do with their time and stop harassing everyone else.

I really don't think it matters how you spell, write, or say "Merry Christmas", it is the thought in your heart that matters most. :yes:

Oh yes, sometimes I do use "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings" if I want to wish someone a "Merry Christmas" and a "Happy New Year" together. I mostly just stick with one holiday at a time, though. :tree:

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Postby SparkyIII » Wed Dec 5, '07, 7:12 pm

lol I call it winter XDDDD
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Postby Tsunami » Wed Dec 5, '07, 9:17 pm

SparkyIII wrote:lol I call it winter XDDDD
Ah...same here, for the most part. I may refer to it as the "holidays" or just Christmas if I'm talking about the holiday, itself.
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Postby Neithird » Wed Dec 5, '07, 9:37 pm

I just use whatever name I feel like using at any given moment. Christmas, Xmas, Happy Holidays, whatever. It's all the same to me. "Season's Greetings" is the only one I don't use, because it sounds really archaic to me.
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Postby Justen » Thu Dec 6, '07, 11:48 pm

I refer to it as Christmas and say Merry Christmas. I am a Christian and thats when we celebrate the birth of Christ.
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Postby Tsunami » Fri Dec 7, '07, 2:27 am

Justen wrote:I refer to it as Christmas and say Merry Christmas. I am a Christian and thats when we celebrate the birth of Christ.
I don't think that Jesus was born on Christmas; I believe the origins of Christmas to be Pagan.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Dec 7, '07, 3:36 am

Justen wrote:I refer to it as Christmas and say Merry Christmas. I am a Christian and thats when we celebrate the birth of Christ.

I absolutely agree with you, Justen!

Tsunami wrote:I don't think that Jesus was born on Christmas; I believe the origins of Christmas to be Pagan.

I'm not exactly sure what the intended meaning of "pagan" is here.

Actually, though, in a manner of speaking that may be correct about Jesus not being born on Christmas, because, there was no Christmas day until a very special event happened and caused it to exist in the first place. That event was the birth of Jesus "Christ". "Christmas" did not exist until the day/night Jesus was born, thus "Christ" and "Mass" (a celebration) = "Christmas". The First Christmas ever. Jesus was not born on Christmas - Christmas was born because of Jesus' birth.

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Postby Thoul » Fri Dec 7, '07, 5:34 am

I doubt Jesus was actually born on December 25, though. I'm not exactly certain how or when that day got picked for the celebration of his birth, but I've always heard the Christ + Mass thing too. The concept of Christmas as a day of celebration is probably relatively recent; I can't see it having begun until many years after Christ's time.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Dec 7, '07, 5:52 am

Thoul wrote:I doubt Jesus was actually born on December 25, though. I'm not exactly certain how or when that day got picked for the celebration of his birth, but I've always heard the Christ + Mass thing too. The concept of Christmas as a day of celebration is probably relatively recent; I can't see it having begun until many years after Christ's time.

I agree with you about Jesus probably not being born on the exact day of December 25. The exact day of his birth is probably unknown. It could have been anytime from January to December probably. However, that is the day that has been chosen for his birth to be celebrated on for years and years and years.

This subject is quite interesting, so I looked "Christmas" up on Wikipedia and found some very interesting info. Did you know that the Roman letter " X " was used as an abbreviation for "Christ"? So, if you look at it that way, then saying "X-Mas" doesn't seem too bad! Here's a link to read more:

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