How do you listen to music?

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How do you listen to music?

Postby Thoul » Fri Dec 5, '08, 11:20 pm

When you listen to music, if you do, what is your preferred way of doing so? Do you listen to a radio station, a TV channel, a CD or tape or record in a player? Maybe you go all digital?

Personally I usually listen to digital music on my PC. It's either stuff I've ripped from CDs or bought or otherwise downloaded online. Sometimes I try to listen to a radio station, but I often get really bad reception and can't do that.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Dec 6, '08, 3:31 am

I used to listen to a radio station just about all the time but I stopped listening to my radio all that much for some reason. Now, I usually just listen to a CD or something.

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Postby Wolf Bird » Sat Dec 6, '08, 9:51 pm

I have pretty much all my music on my computer. It's mostly downloaded from the internet (like most of my game soundtracks) and ripped from CDs, which I keep in an organized rack on my desk. I also have stuff on my mp3 player.
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Postby luke » Sun Dec 7, '08, 4:04 am

either from my computer (stuff i ripped from cds, vinyl, or downloaded) or my turntable.
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Postby Atlinsmere » Sun Dec 7, '08, 8:55 am

I suppose I listen to the radio, songs on my PC which I either rip from CDs or d/l from the interwebs, CD's, and my iPod for on the go.
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Postby Darkil » Wed Dec 24, '08, 1:07 am

Depends on what's at hand. Generally I have CD's ripped to either my Zune or 360 and crank that through my stereo. Otherwise I just use CD's in the car or my Zune if I have to go portable.
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Re: How do you listen to music?

Postby XxEnslavedNekoxX » Mon Jun 22, '09, 12:51 pm

Most of the time when I listen to song, it's either on Youtube or Windows Media Player on my computer. If I am out somewhere or if I feel like privately listening, I use my Ipod or MP3 player. I have cd's but I rip the songs I want and store them on these devices.
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Re: How do you listen to music?

Postby dimples » Sun Aug 16, '09, 11:37 am

On my laptop or then with my mp3 player. Mostly I always listen to my mp3. Also I always take it to the gym :D Don't like their music
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Re: How do you listen to music?

Postby Lyla2284 » Sun Aug 16, '09, 4:32 pm

I normally listen to music from my computer,and sometimes I use earphones if I want to turn up the volume. :D Otherwise,if I'm on the go,I use my MP3 player.
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