
Celebrating all those special times in each year.

Postby The $ Avenger » Sun Oct 7, '07, 2:33 am

I applaud anyone that made that difficult journey across the Atlantic back then, but like Tsunami said, a strange holiday since he wasn't the first!
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Postby Thoul » Mon Oct 8, '07, 7:46 am

Well, Columbus Day probably started when he was generally thought to be the first. I know that when I was in school, we were thought that he was. Either way, his voyage started the exploration that led to the creation of the colonies and the US.

At any rate, I hope everyone has a happy holiday!
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Nov 10, '07, 3:33 am

Sunday, November 11, will be Veteran's Day in the US. It is an official holiday and will be celebrated on Monday, November 12, this year.

There are usually various celebrations, parades, ceremonies, and recognitions to honor America's Veterans in many cities and towns across the US on the days leading up to and on this particular holiday.

So, if you have a Veteran in your family, or if you know of a Veteran, please take a few minutes to thank them for their service to our country.

:usa: :salute: Happy Veteran's Day! :salute: :usa:

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Postby SparkyIII » Sat Nov 10, '07, 9:36 am

Yay! I thought I knew someone, but I can't remember his name! Wha! XD He gets a moment anyway!
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