High School Play production of Ridley Scott's Alien

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High School Play production of Ridley Scott's Alien

Postby R-90-2 » Thu May 2, '19, 4:03 am

It's better than it sounds, and better than it should be.

Basically, through a combination of inventiveness and determination, a high school in North Bergen NJ put on a stage production of Ridley Scott's Alien. The initial performance wasn't recorded, but the encore re-run was:

Ridley Scott donated $5000 to the school to get them to run the encore performance, and Sigourney Weaver visited the cast on the encore.

Edit: Correct link.
Last edited by R-90-2 on Thu May 2, '19, 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: High School Play production of Ridley Scott's Alien

Postby myau56 » Thu May 2, '19, 12:59 pm

Thank you for the link ! :fiery: :clap:
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Re: High School Play production of Ridley Scott's Alien

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Aug 8, '19, 10:14 pm

That is just awesome!!! :clap:

The Alien movies are all good, I think. Very nice to see Scott and Weaver participating somehow in this too.

Thanks very much for the link.

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