Helper Animals

Companions of all kinds - furry, feathered, fishy and more!

Helper Animals

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jun 5, '10, 12:00 am

The state of Vermont has decided to allow monkeys trained as helpers or service animals: ... nkey_N.htm

I have mixed views on this. I think it's terrific that animals can be used as helpers by people that need them. They are providing a valuable service by helping people that are unable to help themselves for whatever reasons. I only hope the animals themselves are taken care of and their needs met also.

This reminds me of seeing eye dogs and other instances of when animals help people in need.

Comments or Opinions?

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Re: Helper Animals

Postby Thoul » Sat Jun 5, '10, 12:55 am

It sounds like the monkeys are pretty high maintenance, probably much more so that a dog. I hope it's worth the extra work and goes well for the person getting the monkey. Primates can be dangerous though, so I can understand why some people would have concerns about it.
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