Healthiest Grocery Stores

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Healthiest Grocery Stores

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Dec 8, '08, 4:31 am

Some experts picked their choice of the top ten healthiest grocery stores. Did the grocery store where you shop make the list: ... &GT1=31036

I have to say this was an eye opener. The grocery stores where we usually do most of our grocery shopping did NOT make the list. However we have shopped at one or two of these places occassionally.

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Postby Thoul » Mon Dec 8, '08, 11:06 pm

We go to Food Lion sometimes and I think I've been to a Publix like twice. We don't have a local Target, but I've been to a few when shopping out of town. I'm not sure if they were "Super" or not.

But other than those three, I have never heard of a single store on that list. At all.
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Postby Celeith » Sat Dec 13, '08, 5:17 pm

We only have places like Super1, SavUMore, BastropSuperFoods, and Walmart for grocery stores. I figured none of the places we go would be on that list, I have been to a few of those places though when I took trips out of town.
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