Favorite Comic Book Character

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Favorite Comic Book Character

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Mar 28, '07, 9:46 pm

I noticed in the introductions, I think it was, that a few people said how much they enjoyed comic books. Comics are cool and some of the comic book characters have been around for so long, but with many changes along the way over the years. Progress can be a good thing most times, but sometimes not so good.

Many comic book characters are or have become the "stars" of many movies over the years also. A trend which looks like it has a long way to go considering all the movies expected to be released just this year alone (Spiderman 3, Fantastic Four with the Silver Surfer), and in times past with all the various Superman, Batman, and other related type movies.

So who is your favorite comic book character(s), and why? Also, how do you think it went when the comic book character was transferred to another venue such as in TV shows and the Movies?
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Re: Favorite Comic Book Character

Postby Neithird » Wed Mar 28, '07, 11:19 pm

My fave is the Fantastic Four. It's usually a great mix of all kinds of good stories and characters. Sometimes they have good family stories, other times good scifi stuff, or whatever. I just enjoy the variety of the characters and stories a lot.

I thought their recent movie was very good. All of the actors playing the main four people did excellent jobs - I thought they really nailed the characters. I look forward to seeing them again in the next movie. The villian in it wasn't portrayed very well due to changes in his background. The actor did a good job with the character, but it wasn't written as anything like the character in the comics.
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Re: Favorite Comic Book Character

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Mar 29, '07, 4:20 am

Agree on the Fantastic Four movie being good. I really enjoyed that movie. It was a whole lot better than I had thought it would be. The only one of the actors in the movie that I was familiar with was the actor who played the role of "Ben". He is currently in "The Shield" tv show, but I first came to know him in another TV series "The Commish". He's a terrific actor. I also liked the guy who played "Johnny" in the movie.

I'm really looking forward to the new FF4 movie due out later this year. My fave comic book character/hero "Silver Surfer" is in this one! Yippee!!!!! :hyper:

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Re: Favorite Comic Book Character

Postby Thoul » Thu Mar 29, '07, 6:42 am

Michael Chiklis played Ben in FF. I thought, out of all of the actors in that movie, he did the best job of playing a character as close to the comics as possible. The others did well too, but he stole the show. :lol:

My favorite superhero is Batman, but mainly because he's not all that "super." He's just an ordinary guy with no special abilities that goes out and does the best he can with his mind and body to help people and stop the bad guys.

His movies have been hit and miss... some were good, some not so good. I think the latest movie, "Batman Begins" was a the best movie adaption so far. The TV shows are usually good.
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Re: Favorite Comic Book Character

Postby Zafneir » Thu Mar 29, '07, 7:16 am

Favorite comic series would have to be X-men. Grew up watching the cartoon religiously as a kid and have loved it ever since. As for which series of the X-men comics is my favorite, I couldn't tell you, unfortunately as I've been unable to keep up with the series. Favorite spin-off though would have to be Cable and Deadpool, just because of the brand of humor that goes with it.
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Re: Favorite Comic Book Character

Postby Neithird » Thu Mar 29, '07, 6:09 pm

The X-Men books are usually fun, but I don't like it as much when they get all dark and serious. I guess they want to put some drama in occasionally, and that's fine, but sometimes it's too dark for me, you know?

Do you have a favorite X-Man? Out of all of them, I always liked Phoenix the most.
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Re: Favorite Comic Book Character

Postby Zafneir » Fri Mar 30, '07, 1:15 am

My favorite actual X-man would have to be Gambit. I like his wit and his sense of humor. Nightcrawler for a very close second.

Unfortunately, it's been a while since I've followed comics, so my memory of comic events is a bit rusty.
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Re: Favorite Comic Book Character

Postby Neithird » Fri Mar 30, '07, 1:08 pm

Yeah, I haven't followed the new ones too much lately, either. They've become more expensive in recent years, so I don't get as many now.
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