Have you subscribed to any magazines?

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Have you subscribed to any magazines?

Postby Thoul » Mon Apr 30, '07, 6:37 pm

Do you subscribe to any magazines, or have you ever been subscribed to one?

I used to have a subscription to Nintendo Power, but I let it lapse around the time the Nintendo 64 came out. I enjoyed it before then, though, they had a lot of bonuses like free books.
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Postby Sharline » Tue May 1, '07, 12:58 pm

I used to be subscribed many years ago when I was a little kid to Sonic The Comic.
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Re: Have you subscribed to any magazines?

Postby Triumvirate » Tue May 1, '07, 5:15 pm

I've been subscribed to lots of magazines in the past, though less now as so much information is available faster by browsing the web.

I've had subscriptions to PC Gamer, Computer Gaming World, EGM, PSM, Game Informer and several others which I can't think of off the top of my head.
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Re: Have you subscribed to any magazines?

Postby Thoul » Tue May 1, '07, 9:55 pm

Yeah, I know what you mean, Triumvirate. It's been years since I bought a new gaming magazine. The internet has really delivered a blow to that industry.
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Re: Have you subscribed to any magazines?

Postby Neithird » Wed May 2, '07, 3:24 am

I used to be subscribed to a Game Genie code update booklet back in the SNES days, if that counts. I've bought a gaming mag now and then, but I never saw much point to subscribing to any.
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Re: Have you subscribed to any magazines?

Postby Zafneir » Wed May 2, '07, 4:25 am

Never subscribed, but I always did pick up magazines on guitar and bass playing when I had the chance, as well as martial arts magazines.
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Re: Have you subscribed to any magazines?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed May 2, '07, 7:33 pm

I used to be a subscriber to many various magazines at different times. Anyone remember the Publisher's Clearing House prize giveaway where they sent you oodles of magazines to subscribe to and you could enter their contest whether you bought magazines or not? Well, I subscribed but I never won the prize. :lol:

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