Have you ever been to a convention?

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Have you ever been to a convention?

Postby Thoul » Mon Oct 8, '07, 8:53 am

Every year, there are lots of conventions around the world for fantasy, science fiction, video games, electronics, and a number of other topics. Have you ever been to a convention like this? If so, which one and did you enjoy it? Some people like to go to conventions dressed up as characters; ever done that?

I've only been to one minor convention, and that was mostly by accident. I don't recall the name, but it was really more of a large grouping of vendors selling cards, sports merchandise and so on. It was held at a mall I went to once and I just happened to go there on the day they had the convention.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Oct 8, '07, 6:08 pm

Nope, never been to one as I can recall. I'm not to fond of big crowds and gatherings like that. :shy:

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Postby The $ Avenger » Tue Oct 9, '07, 12:41 am

No, I've thought of going to a writing convention to find a literary agent, but I'd rather finish my book first so that I'll have something to show them! I might afterward, though I may go to New York instead to stay with a friend and hunt down a publishing house.

Since my interests tend to be of a few games rather than a video game genre, I haven't ever felt the need to go to a convention.
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Postby Atolm » Tue Oct 9, '07, 10:09 pm

Yep! I go to the San Diego Comic Con every year if able! Great Con to go to, just... so many bodies to walk through! D:

My biggest complaint is hygiene or lack of for some people. :|
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