Happy Valentine's Day

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Happy Valentine's Day

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Feb 13, '11, 1:45 am

Valentine's Day this year is on Monday, February 14th, 2011.

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone here at the Fringes Of Algo! :valentine:

Anyone have any special plans to celebrate Valentines' Day? Are you going out somewhere special, or just staying at home?

I happened to be in the grocery store the other day and I noticed that Valentine's Day stuff is on display everywhere in the store. I guess this must be a very profitable time of year for merchandisers everywhere who sell Valentines' related items. I love to check the stores after these holidays are over as you can find some good deals in marked down merchandise in the clearance aisles, etc. :lol:

I noticed they still make those boxed Valentine's Cards of Superheroes and other characters for kids to share with their class at school. I remember doing that when I was younger. Anyone else remember that???
Last edited by Silver_Surfer1 on Sun Feb 13, '11, 1:45 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby tilinelson2 » Sun Feb 13, '11, 10:24 pm

Well, I don´t remember these things, maybe that was because no one has ever done that here. At least when I was a child. Nowadays there are children of 10 "seriously dating".

Here in Brazil we don´t celebrate Valentine´s Day on February, but on June. Me and my fiancée won´t meet tomorrow because it is a Monday and she lives in another city. Anyway, I took my fiancée today to have lunch in a nice restaurant. She loves their desserts. We have had a quite pleasant day together.
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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby Thoul » Mon Feb 14, '11, 5:14 pm

Nothing very special planned for the day here. The weekend was actually very busy, so I'm looking forward to resting a bit while working.

I love to check the stores after these holidays are over as you can find some good deals in marked down merchandise in the clearance aisles, etc. :lol:

Heh, you don't even have to wait that long now. I saw one grocery store marking down their Valentine's products yesterday. Before you know it, they'll be putting the Valentine's stuff on the shelves before Christmas.

I noticed they still make those boxed Valentine's Cards of Superheroes and other characters for kids to share with their class at school. I remember doing that when I was younger. Anyone else remember that???

I vaguely remember doing that sort of thing in school. Actually, I think I found some old ones from that a couple of years ago. They were stuffed away in a box somewhere ever since.
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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby Waterfaller » Mon Feb 14, '11, 5:33 pm

Don't have any major plans, seeing as the person I was seeing for 3 years decided to break up with me through a third party late last month.

Although I DO plan on playing more Phantasy Star IV :)
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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby MrKite » Tue Feb 15, '11, 1:16 am

I wish my Valentine's Day was happy, but it's not. It sucks. This is perhaps the worst Valentine's Day ever.
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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Feb 14, '12, 12:36 am

Well, tomorrow is Tuesday, Feburary 14, 2012, and is Valentine's Day, so.....

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :heart: :heartbeat: :valentine:

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby Tanith » Tue Feb 14, '12, 1:14 pm

Love is in the air!

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby myau56 » Tue Feb 14, '12, 3:23 pm

Happy Valentine to all the persons who are with someone ! It's not my case and I don't really like Valentine's Day but ENJOY !!:)
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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Feb 14, '12, 8:38 pm

Google celebrates Valentine's Day:


:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby myau56 » Tue Feb 14, '12, 8:41 pm

Google is always on the ruin about special day events !
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