Happy Meal Turns 1 - Why I Stopped Eating at McDonald's

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Happy Meal Turns 1 - Why I Stopped Eating at McDonald's

Postby Tweeg » Sun Mar 28, '10, 3:19 am

http://consumerist.com/2010/03/this-1-y ... -well.html

I've seen even older McDonalds food that hadn't been intentionally kept. I can vouch that the hamburgers, fries, and McNuggets all retain their original appearence even at age four and having been stored in non-climate controlled conditions where ants were confirmably present. Left outside in the open and having observed this "food" for two weeks I can testify that ants, flys, and dogs wouldn't touch the stuff. In fact, my friend's dog actually took one sniff and growled at the stuff. The specimens are now comfortably residing in a landfill where they will no doubt be discovered by archeologists in the future. It was that fated encounter almost ten years ago that lead me to conclude that McDonalds "food" is remanufactured industrial waste by products.

And a local nitrition shop has a McDonald's "beef patty" on a glass covered dish which they say the've had on display now for eighteen years. It still looks fresh too. Well, that is if anyone can truly call a flat, grey, round, slab of "meat" fresh looking.
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Re: Happy Meal Turns 1 - Why I Stopped Eating at McDonald's

Postby Thoul » Sun Mar 28, '10, 3:35 am

Well, that could explain why I spent the night vomiting the last two times I had a McDonald's hamburger. Maybe they were moving out their backlog of old unsold food.
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Re: Happy Meal Turns 1 - Why I Stopped Eating at McDonald's

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Apr 14, '10, 8:31 pm

Oh my gosh, I just now read this story, and that is gross! :yuck:

One question comes to mind though, and that is how they could let that hamburger sit so long without eating it. It would have made me so hungry having to smell that McD all the time.

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Re: Happy Meal Turns 1 - Why I Stopped Eating at McDonald's

Postby Atlinsmere » Wed Apr 14, '10, 10:41 pm

Simple... For science! Mwuahahahaha!!!
A simple text based signature? That's impossible!
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Re: Happy Meal Turns 1 - Why I Stopped Eating at McDonald's

Postby Tanith » Sat Apr 17, '10, 11:15 am

It's strange that this made the news. People have been saving McDonald's food as "experiments" for years. There's at least one guy out there who has a McD's cheeseburger that's over 20 years old. He even has a collection of various McD's food saved over the years. It's quite scary that none of it really decomposes.
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