"Die Hard" book inspiration

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"Die Hard" book inspiration

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Feb 26, '13, 10:01 pm

"Nothing Lasts Forever" a book written by author Roderick Thorp, and believed to be the inspiration for the "Die Hard" movies, is being rereleased to celebrate it's 25th anniversary of publication.

http://movies.yahoo.com/news/novel-insp ... 00042.html

Wow, even as much of a "Die Hard" movie fan as I am, I had no idea about this book. It is certainly on my list of books to read now though. :yes:

Has anyone read this book?? If so, would you recommend it...what did you think of it??

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
~ Founded April 01, 1997 ~


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Re: "Die Hard" book inspiration

Postby Thoul » Wed Feb 27, '13, 8:56 am

Never heard of that one, or of Die Hard being based on a movie. I also wonder if this book is enjoyable. I'm usually not one for reading a book after seeing a movie, though.
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