Happy Meal Books

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Happy Meal Books

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jan 10, '13, 5:44 am

McDonald's in the United Kingdom will soon begin putting books in their Happy Meals for a limited time:

http://shine.yahoo.com/parenting/mcdona ... 00152.html

Although the article says there are currently no plans to have the "Happy Reader" theme in the US, it would seem like a wonderful idea to try here also.

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Re: Happy Meal Books

Postby myau56 » Thu Jan 10, '13, 12:49 pm

Excellent idea ! Hope we'll have this thing here in France too (and all over the world of course !).
As I am a great book lover (impossible not to read a single day of the week !), I'm a huge fan of this operation :clap:
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