Cat Island

Companions of all kinds - furry, feathered, fishy and more!

Cat Island

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Apr 2, '11, 7:27 am

I found this article several days ago when reading about the recent earthquake disaster and related events in Japan. I got busy and didn't have time to post it until now. It's about one of the Islands suffering the effects of the disasters, and the inhabitants of the Island which includes so many cats that the Island is affectionately called "Cat Island": ... sland-safe

Very interesting article. Sometimes we forget that humans are not the only ones who suffer the effects of these types of disasters but animals are very much affected also. :(

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Re: Cat Island

Postby Thoul » Tue Apr 12, '11, 5:05 pm

I hope Cat Island is able to recover well. I might like to visit that place some day. It's great that the people there are taking time to ensure that the animals are given assistance along with the humans. They're all part of the same ecosystem, so the effects of this disaster on the animal population will impact the human population eventually.
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