Halo III

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Halo III

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Sep 24, '07, 5:14 pm

Heard on the news this morning that " Halo III ", by Microsoft I believe, comes out today. This is a much anticipated video game, I think. I also think they said it is for the X-Box system. Saw some previews of it on the news and I can see why. It looks very interesting. Anyone know anything about this game or plan to rent it or buy it?

I assume since this is Halo III, that there must be a Halo I and a Halo II. Is that correct? :hmm:

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Postby Thoul » Mon Sep 24, '07, 8:59 pm

I've been seeing stuff about it all the time for the last week or so. TV commercials, ads, in stores, etc., etc. They're really pushing it. I've mostly ignored it all since I don't have an Xbox.

I did hear that this is supposed to be the last of the Halo games, and this one is supposed to wrap up story elements from the previous ones.
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Postby Atolm » Mon Sep 24, '07, 9:25 pm

I played the first two on the ol x-box. I really enjoyed the first game, but the second game was a disappointment to me, but was great playing with friends!

I will probably play part three if I ever get my hands on a 360, or the eventual PC release. Either way, I am not eager to play.
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Postby The $ Avenger » Mon Sep 24, '07, 11:53 pm

I don't like multiplayer shooters, especially when there's no stat tracking, (I want to be building toward something, not starting another match from scratch in another ten minutes) but I found the campaign modes in both the games to be great fun since you could do them cooperatively. I'll play it eventually with my brother since I had such a good time on the campaign modes of the others.

I wonder how much money Microsoft will make off of it? It's been a best-seller on Gamestop as long as I can remember, and I hear the preorder sales are over 1 million.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Sep 25, '07, 3:21 pm

The Komrade wrote:I wonder how much money Microsoft will make off of it? It's been a best-seller on Gamestop as long as I can remember, and I hear the preorder sales are over 1 million.

From what I have heard so far, Halo 3 is supposed to make a lot of money. I think what they said this morning was that the predictions were that it was supposed to make more money in one day than the Spiderman movie made in 3 days. Not sure which Spiderman movie they were talking about, but they were both record breakers, so there. :eyebrow:

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Postby Thoul » Wed Sep 26, '07, 2:06 am

I've been hearing a lot more about the Xbox 360s failing in the past couple of days. I guess a lot of people looking forward to Halo are being disappointed as their console fail and they have to get a replacement machine.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Sep 26, '07, 5:46 pm

Thoul wrote:I've been hearing a lot more about the Xbox 360s failing in the past couple of days. I guess a lot of people looking forward to Halo are being disappointed as their console fail and they have to get a replacement machine.

Whoa, I'll bet that does have a lot of gamers very steamed! It could get quite expensive having to replace one of those too. :medusa:

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Postby The $ Avenger » Wed Sep 26, '07, 11:48 pm

My brother was able to find a copy of the game at Wallmart last night... always check the less obvious areas for games! :neenerneener: (I find it hilarious what the bb code for this smiley is!)
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Postby Thoul » Thu Sep 27, '07, 2:09 am

That's my favorite of the new smilies. :innocent:

I do love finding a rare or unusual game by going to a store most people don't think to visit. :hyper: That's how I get a lot of my more interesting games, like Grandia.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Sep 27, '07, 6:17 pm

It appears that Halo 3 did very well in it's opening release, making a record of over $170 Million. Here's a link to read more:


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