Beyonce lawsuit

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Beyonce lawsuit

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Nov 19, '12, 10:54 pm

It seems that singer Beyonce may be involved in a lawsuit regarding a video game...find out more here: ... ive-271442

Will be interesting to see how this turns out in the end.

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Re: Beyonce lawsuit

Postby Rylen » Mon Nov 19, '12, 11:56 pm

Stars in most cases have Ego's. Which is why you don't put their names on video games. Anyone recall Shaq-Fu? Or Mike Tyson's punch out (which had to be changed later on). If Gate Five wins it could be a reminder of why you don't put stars in games.
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Re: Beyonce lawsuit

Postby Thoul » Tue Nov 20, '12, 8:25 am

I believe that the only celebrities who should be allowed anywhere near the making of a video game are actors playing a role in the story. Sadly, it does on occasion leading to embarrassment when the celebrity gets bad press or does something illegal. It also tends to put a hamper on re-releases of a game. You'll never see the original Mike Tyson's Punch Out for sale again, if only because Nintendo wouldn't want to pay Tyson to use his image again.
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