Guy attempts to kill his child

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Guy attempts to kill his child

Postby Celeith » Fri Mar 21, '08, 2:50 am

this just plain out * disturbs me to no end.

I can't even imagin how much this guy should be hung, burned, shot, electricuted, poisoned,and whatever but something needs to happen to him whatsoever. there is no reason a child hell anyone should have its life cut short by any means.
Last edited by Celeith on Fri Mar 21, '08, 8:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Reno » Fri Mar 21, '08, 3:15 am

That is horrible... but I'm afraid I'm going to have to call you out on this one, Kaloes.

Firstly, according to the article you linked, the baby, (miraculously) survived this incident. The exact quote says... news article wrote: The baby girl was rushed to Shriners Hospital, where she’s undergone two skin graft surgeries and is in critical but stable condition

Honestly, I can't believe she survived... The article gets more descriptive about her condition as you read on; terrible, to say the least.

Secondly, you completely contradicted yourself in your post. You first imply that you feel the person should be killed for what he did, but then a sentence later you state that no one should have their life cut short by any means.

If I say anymore, I'll come dangerously close to starting a debate about the death penalty, (I'm still under the impression that everyone thinks debates are evil. :wink:) but I'll leave this post by stating that in my opinion, this man should definitely be tied down by the most severe charges of attempted murder that exist, as there just isn't much in the world more horrible than a father, someone who is supposed to defend their child with their life, attempting to kill his daughter in such a painful and horrible fashion.
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Postby Celeith » Fri Mar 21, '08, 3:28 am

oh seriously? i didn't read the article i just saw it on the news and they had a link to the article so I copied it and put it here, the woman on the news said the baby was killed. guess i shoulda read the article, thats my bad, and about that one remark, sure I hate that people die, and that people must die. I hate it all.. but for those who can take away lives have no right to live themselves because those who could take the life of another and not feel any remorse over it are no more than mere demons.
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Postby DrkTr14ce » Fri Mar 21, '08, 3:58 pm

I shall agree with Reno on this one. How a man could do such a horrible act like that is...rather unthinkable to me! I personally support the Death Penalty (You forgot that I love to debate, Reno? XD) and personally wouldn't mind seeing the sentence get past the 8th Amendment and go straight for 'Cruel and Unusual Punishment'.

May his Hell be a place where he is periodically shoved into operational microwaves.
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Postby Tsunami » Fri Mar 21, '08, 6:54 pm

This's from last year. Still, it's sickening to think about...
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Postby Celeith » Fri Mar 21, '08, 8:05 pm

Tsunami wrote:This's from last year. Still, it's sickening to think about...

so true, i guess when they bring up the claim that he was insane he's gonna try to get his sentence lowered or something hell i don't know. still its just some sick sick **** to do. I kinda wish they wouldn't bring up year old stuff on the news, it confuses me sometimes. anyways from what I read the girl is still getting treatment even after a year but is doing fine now i believe.
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Postby Lemina » Fri Mar 21, '08, 11:11 pm

Tsunami wrote:This's from last year. Still, it's sickening to think about...

Yeah, I think that I might vaguely remember hearing about this case, although it could have just as easily been another case. I hope that that girl is far, far, far away from her father, at any rate.


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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Mar 21, '08, 11:56 pm

Well, there's not much I can say on this story other than what has already been said. I agree, that this is a very disturbing and sickening act. I really don't understand what makes people do things like this. There is a wrong and a right, and that is definetely on the wrong list of things. I hope he gets the punishment he deserves. I am glad the child lived, and believe that it was a true miracle. I cringe every time I think of all the suffering she must have endured. There is no way we can totally imagine that, or know her pain, then and now, and perhaps always. It would have been interesting to hear a little more of the Mother's feelings on this, and if he had exhibited any previous weird behaviour toward the child or the Mother or anyone.

On another related subject, Yes, I also do believe in the death penalty. I believe if it were used more, appropriately of course, that there would be less disturbing and evil crimes like this as people would know their possible fate and perhaps think twice before committing file acts, etc. Some people, however, would still not care what they did.

And, on another subject, I think a healthy debate on the death penalty would be rather interesting. Bring it on! :)

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Postby SparkyIII » Sat Mar 22, '08, 1:22 am

1 vote for death here! XD
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Postby Reno » Sat Mar 22, '08, 2:02 am

Great! That's the spirit, Silver! And DrkTr14ce, you know you can't escape being pulled into this after saying that, right? :yaknow:

Now then, where was I? Ah, yes... I was cursing the fact that I'm always outnumbered, (4:1 as of yet... where's the justice?! :) ) but putting that aside, I believe I can deliver a competent counter to your claim, Silver, that the Death Penalty works as a proper deterrent to such heinous crimes as murder. I believe the best example of the fallacy of that claim can be found in one of the US', (one of the very few developed countries where capital punishment is still practised) states, Texas. You see, Texas has, by far, committed the most modern government-approved murders than any of the rest of the states. Before 1976, however, the State of Texas had only committed 755 murders, a decent number, but it pales in comparison to many of the original Thirteen colonies, whose numbers per state would go well above 1000. This is understandable as the original colonies were more densely populated and were also around for a bit longer than Texas, which came about during the American Imperialism era of the 1840's. [I absolutely cannot find the crime rates for each state since they were first formed and I'm not too sure that they even exist... If anyone can find them for me, I'd be very appreciative]

Those numbers aren't as important to my counter-claim as this next part; they're really just there to provide an enormous contrast to what came after the 1976 reform in the Death Penalty, which supposedly made it more "humane."

After the reform, and into the more modern age, we see an enormous shift in numbers. From 1976 to 2007, no state in the US has committed more than 98 government-issued murders on it's own... except for one... Texas. From 1976 to 2007, Texas has committed a total of 405 government-issued murders. How can this be? Why, all of a sudden, is Texas killing off it's less-desirable population so rapidly? I honestly have no idea... but what I do know, and what the point of this whole post is, is that Texas' murder rate, (that is, the number of murders committed by citizens for every 100,000th person) is 5.9; a number that is neither much higher nor much lower than the rest of the states; This number is in fact average. An average murder rate coupled with an astronomically high number of executions leads to the logical conclusion that, despite popular belief amongst it's supporters, the Death Penalty is NOT an effective deterrent to murder. In the words of some awesome Indian guy, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

Sources for all statistics within post
Death Penalty Information Center
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