Great Moons of Pluto!!

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Great Moons of Pluto!!

Postby Snorb » Tue Feb 12, '13, 12:53 am

Hey, everybody, just wanna let you know about a recent bit of astrological news- the International Astronomical Union is going to be naming P4 and P5-- the two recently discovered moons of Pluto-- soon, and there's a contest where you can submit names for consideration!

Traditionally, Pluto's moons are named for figures in Greek and Roman mythology. The three currently named Plutonian moons are:

Charon -- The ferryman of Hades who ferries the souls of the dead across the River Styx into the underworld.

Nyx-- Mother of Charon, the Greek goddess of darkness and night.

Hydra-- The nine-headed serpent who Herakles fought as one of his twelve labors.

Names up for consideration for P4 and P5 are:

Acheron-- One of the five rivers of the Underworld, symbolizing pain.

Alecto-- One of the Furies, one of the hideous snake-haired monstrous servants of Hades. Her job is to punish mortals for the sin of anger.

Cerberus-- The three-headed dog who guards the gates of the Underworld, tasked with preventing the dead from escaping.

Erebus-- Personification of darkness and a primordial god, he fathered many children with Nyx, including Hypnos and Styx.

Eurydice-- The wife of Orpheus, for whom he entered the Underworld. During their escape from the Underworld, Orpheus violated his agreement with Persephone and looked upon Eurydice, causing him to lose her forever.

Herakles-- The demigod son of Zeus and Hera, he fought the nine-headed Hyrda and dragged back Cerberus. He is one of the few people to ever escape from Hades.

Hypnos-- One of the sons of Nyx, and the personification of sleep.

Lethe-- One of the five rivers of Hades, symbolizing oblivion. It flows through the caves of Hypnos and merges with the RIver Styx.

Obol-- A copper coin placed beneath the tongue of the recently dead, used to pay Charon for passage to the Underworld.

Orpheus-- A talented musician who entered Hades to save his beloved Eurydice, he charmed Hades and Persephone with his music. He is also one of a select few to escape from Hades.

Persephone-- Daughter of Demeter, she is a goddess who was kidnapped by Hades to become queen of the Underworld. Because she ate a pomegranate that was grown in Hades, she must spend six months of the year in the Underworld (symbolizing the chill of autumn and winter.)

Styx-- The river that separates our world from the Underworld. Styx can also refer to the daughter of Erebus and Nyx, named for the river.

Vulcan-- The god of the forge, lava, and smoke in Roman mythology (his Greek counterpart is Hephaestus.) Decidedly not green-blooded or pointy-eared. You're thinking of those other Vulcans.
Last edited by Snorb on Tue Feb 12, '13, 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Great Moons of Pluto!!

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Feb 12, '13, 5:01 am

This naming the planet contest sounds very interesting and so do all those names!!

Is there a link or some place where people can go and vote and make our selections known??

Although all those names are interesting, I think I shall choose "Orpheus" as I am fond of music and if he escaped Hades then he is very deserving of this honor of having a planet named after him, in my humble opinion!!

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Re: Great Moons of Pluto!!

Postby Thoul » Tue Feb 12, '13, 11:09 am

I'd be interested in seeing a link on this too, if there is an online vote or something like that. Those are some good names, so it's hard to choose. I'm surprised that some, like Cerberus or Persephone, haven't been used already.
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Re: Great Moons of Pluto!!

Postby jessie » Tue Feb 12, '13, 11:42 am

Fascinating! I also want a link. Time to vote!
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Re: Great Moons of Pluto!!

Postby Snorb » Tue Feb 12, '13, 6:29 pm

I apologize- the link to vote is here:

And in case you're wondering, you can vote once per day (I voted for Obol and Persephone, but I think right now Cerberus and Styx are winning.)

(EDIT: Added Vulcan to the above list.)
Last edited by Snorb on Tue Feb 12, '13, 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Great Moons of Pluto!!

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Feb 13, '13, 2:02 am

Thanks for the link, and I just went and voted!!! Yay!!!

Can't wait to find out the results!! :yes:

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Re: Great Moons of Pluto!!

Postby myau56 » Thu Feb 14, '13, 10:45 pm

YES ! Thanks for the link ! My vote is casted too !
Great naming Contest ! :fiery:
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Re: Great Moons of Pluto!!

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Feb 21, '13, 6:15 am

Just wanted to remind everyone to keep voting on this. If I am not mistaken, I think you can vote once each day until the contest ends.

Found an interesting article on this today and it says that the name " Vulcan " is now in the lead. And, it seems that actor William Shatner who played Capt. James T. Kirk in "Star Trek" likes that name also: ... tor&rpc=43

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Re: Great Moons of Pluto!!

Postby myau56 » Thu Feb 21, '13, 12:14 pm

Vulcan is indeed a great name, and all the other names are too : so I'm sure the "winner" is gotta have a great name.
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Re: Great Moons of Pluto!!

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Feb 26, '13, 5:49 am

The contest is over and the winners have been named: ... 18595.html

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