Machines help take your order

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Machines help take your order

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Mar 8, '08, 11:05 pm

I just saw a report on the news about what they said was the " thing of the future". It's when you go in a restaurant, instead of someone there to take your order, there is a small machine where you touch a screen and send in your own order. There are options so you can tell what foods you want, and then how you want them.

They showed one of the machines at some restaurant. It looks pretty good to me, and I have no doubt it is probably something that will go over fairly well in some places. One drawback that I can see, and that is that it will probably eliminate more human jobs because it will make it obsolete for people to do the job.

What do you think of this new order machine?

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Postby Reno » Sat Mar 8, '08, 11:32 pm

Sounds like it would be best suited for 'Take-away' restraunts, but I doubt it'll be erasing the maître d' or the human servers anytime soon.
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Postby Thoul » Sun Mar 9, '08, 5:19 am

Someone still has to bring the food out when it's ordered, so it shouldn't affect too many jobs. At least, not unless they work in some kind of conveyor belt system.

But yeah, I could see it making a decent replacement for cashiers at fast food places. Add a credit card swiping device to the side and you're all set.
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Postby Tsunami » Wed Mar 12, '08, 2:23 am

Eww. If people touch the screen, then imagine how dirty it could be. Then you're touching your food after touching the screen. It's a vicious cycle! And I KNOW now everyone washes their hands as often as they should, so it's disgusting to think about... D:
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