Gorton's Fish Fillet Recall

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Gorton's Fish Fillet Recall

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Mar 11, '08, 5:16 pm

Gorton's has had to recall some of their Fish Fillet products in several states:

http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/200 ... call_N.htm

Gee, wouldn't you know that something I've been craving lately would wind up being recalled. Luckily, the Gorton's fish I have is not the type being recalled, but still it makes you kind of hesitate about eating it anyway. :yaknow:

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Postby Thoul » Tue Mar 11, '08, 6:42 pm

How could pills get inside fish? It boggles my mind, unless the fish were pill poppers when alive.

Well, I guess there's all kinds of freaky stuff out there. That family is lucky the pills were harmless.
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Postby Tsunami » Wed Mar 12, '08, 2:29 am

Thoul wrote:How could pills get inside fish? It boggles my mind, unless the fish were pill poppers when alive.
No doubt. :o Maybe someone slipped the pills into them prior to their packaging.
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