Going shopping?

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Going shopping?

Postby Thoul » Thu Nov 27, '08, 12:30 am

They say the day after Thanksgiving is often the biggest shopping day of the year. All the major stores like to have really early sales on things they think will make good Christmas gifts. Do you ever go Christmas shopping on this day to take advantage of those deals, or would you rather wait and go at another time?
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Nov 27, '08, 5:45 am

We used to go shopping on the day after Thanksgiving. In our area they had what they call "Moonlight Madness" shopping events, etc. Years ago they had some pretty good deals and people went wild. I remember in one store, they were having blue light specials (no, it wasn't KMart :wink:) and the crowd went wild and everybody got into a fight and some people got trampled, etc. WILD!!!! We kinda stopped going after that. It was getting too much out of hand. People go crazy when they hear there is a good deal happening.

Now, we try to shop early before Christmas if possible, and before these early shopping days. Too hectic otherwise.

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Nov 30, '08, 2:21 am

Well, I hate to say it, but I was right about the crowds being hectic. Heard on the news about a Walmart employee that was trampled on during a rush of morning shoppers, and the employee died. That's really sad that things have come to this. How anyone in that bunch can enjoy Christmas after this is something I can't even imagine. :(

http://wcbstv.com/local/walmart.worker. ... 75747.html


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Postby Thoul » Sun Nov 30, '08, 4:49 am

That's horrible. :( It boggles my mind to think that these people could be so greedy and obsessed with material items that they would murder someone so callously. I hope the police can bring charges on those people.

Events like this are why I refuse to go shopping on this weekend. Saving a few bucks on a TV isn't worth risking one's life.
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Postby Lemina » Sun Nov 30, '08, 10:42 pm

My family and myself are still in shock about that dude that died just for opening the Wal-Mart doors that day. Not just that, but a woman lost her 8-month old unborn child and a few others landed in the hospital, or so I've heard from ABC news. I can't believe that people would literally stomp all over someone in order to get a "deal." My cynicism about people grows everyday. :muttering:
EDIT: Supposedly, the customers were very angry about being asked to leave the store when the police went in to investigate. I guess guilt didn't eat them in the least. (Correct me if I'm wrong about this one)


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Postby luke » Mon Dec 1, '08, 1:14 am

things like this make me thankful for the internet.
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Postby Schala Zeal » Mon Dec 1, '08, 2:47 am

I love shopping for the kids; it's always so fun to see their faces light up with joy when they get what they want. Kids are become more complicated as they grow up though. D:
Silver_Surfer1 wrote:Well, I hate to say it, but I was right about the crowds being hectic. Heard on the news about a Walmart employee that was trampled on during a rush of morning shoppers, and the employee died. That's really sad that things have come to this. How anyone in that bunch can enjoy Christmas after this is something I can't even imagine. :(

http://wcbstv.com/local/walmart.worker. ... 75747.html


It is depressing that people could forget the value of a life just to save a buck. :gloomy:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Dec 1, '08, 9:54 pm

Lemina wrote:My family and myself are still in shock about that dude that died just for opening the Wal-Mart doors that day. Not just that, but a woman lost her 8-month old unborn child and a few others landed in the hospital, or so I've heard from ABC news. I can't believe that people would literally stomp all over someone in order to get a "deal." My cynicism about people grows everyday. :muttering:
EDIT: Supposedly, the customers were very angry about being asked to leave the store when the police went in to investigate. I guess guilt didn't eat them in the least. (Correct me if I'm wrong about this one)

Last I heard, the woman and the baby were both doing ok. Unless something happened since then that I don't know about yet. Still, a trying situation and very dangerous. And, yes, I also heard the customers were angry about having to leave the store. Heartless bunch, it sounds like. :roll:

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Postby Atlinsmere » Tue Dec 2, '08, 8:19 am

I just started my Christmas shopping... December shop rushes are the worst. At least late night shopping has started.
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Postby Thoul » Tue Dec 2, '08, 12:29 pm

Last year I bought a lot of stuff early, spreading it out through the year. This year I didn't do that though, so I'm going ot have to brave the stores during these next few weekends. I dread it, because those places are going to be packed full of people.
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