Going shopping?

Celebrating all those special times in each year.

Postby Rudo » Wed Dec 3, '08, 4:29 pm

I hate christmas shopping. :grumpy:
Crowds are large, people are discourteous and some of them downright hateful. :grumpy:
Money is short this year and gifts are too high. :grumpy:
But, what the heck, it's Christmas, and it only comes one time a year. :santa:
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Re: Going shopping?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu May 7, '09, 4:04 pm

Bumping this thread up as I just read some news regarding a topic we were discussing in this thread regarding the Walmart employee who was killed on " Black Friday ". A settlement has been reached in a case concerning this matter. Here's a link to read more:


It will be interesting to see if Walmart takes these ideas and precautions to all their stores, or what.

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Re: Going shopping?

Postby Thoul » Thu May 7, '09, 7:23 pm

I doubt they'll apply this in all their stores until forced to do so. I'm sure they'll put it in all the ones in New York state, but probably no others until they're brought up on charges there.
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Re: Going shopping?

Postby Darkil » Fri May 8, '09, 12:21 pm

Well let's hope that they do something to avoid such a similar tragedy over something stupid, that can be easily fixed
Shhh my common sense is tingling
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