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 Post subject: Garuberk Tower
PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, '08, 7:56 am 
There are some lines in PSIV that mention Garuberk Tower being seen in many different locations around Dezoris. Since the place looks very organic, do you think it's possible that it was actually able to move around? Dark Force seems attached to it, as if it was an extension of his body.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, '08, 2:44 pm 
«The Garuberk Tower is supposed to exist somewhere in Dezolis... It is said that it was built overnight.»

hmmmm.... that makes me thing Garuberk is not a tower but:

a) A tree (at least it looks like one from the outside), witch the seed was darkforce himself, planted on Dezo
(just like the tale of the magic beans «It is said that it was "built" overnight.»)

b) An alien life form like a mollusk witch the “tower” we can see from the outside it is own shell. (Even the DF from there seems a crustacean) - so in this case the movement is very possible

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, '08, 5:40 pm 
I think so to, basically think of the tower as Lavos from Chrono Trigger. I mean even when they defeat him, they discover that what they defeated was nothing but a outer shell, and they discovered the real thing inside.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, '08, 7:09 pm 
a) is more chrono crossish (spermatozoid thing)
b) is more triggerish (shell thing)

now you mention it both a) and b) impressions can be in harmony (e.g. "lavos")

So we can say this kind of boss was created in PS4
and 2 (or maybe 1) yr latter square developed this concept in Chrono series.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, '08, 10:43 pm 
Situation 1: Its a shell, and can move around with him wherever he wants it.
Situation 2: It is him, which explains why it disappears when he dies.
Situation 3: ITS REALLY BIG and can be seen from the opposite side of the globe.
Situation 4: Chaz: "Alrighty then, so I enter the Garubek tower on Dezolis way over in THIS corner right? SO WHY AM I ON PARMA!!!


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