[AGDQ] A small notice.

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[AGDQ] A small notice.

Postby R-90-2 » Sun Jan 6, '13, 5:53 pm

Awesome Games Done Quick 2013 is going to be starting in less than 10 minutes, so I'd thought I'd post a notice of it here.

AGDQ is basically a live speedrunning charity marathon run by Speed Demos Archive to raise money for various charity causes. The most recent marathon run by SDA was to raise money for Hurricane Sandy relief, and this one is towards the Prevent Cancer Foundation. What has made this interesting is the fact that there's usually a pack of folks doing commentary, and that these runs are in a non-controlled, non TAS environment- accidents will happen.

The speedruns will start at 1PM EST here.

The schedule of games to be run is here.

Also, previous iterations of AGDQ have been archived for your amusement.
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Re: [AGDQ] A small notice.

Postby myau56 » Sun Jan 6, '13, 7:22 pm

That's a great and good operation :)
Unfortunately, The links are very hard to "reach" ..but no ! I can see the schedule and here for us it's in french ! It's during an entire week ! I've never heard of this before but that seems to be very interesting ! :up:
And when you see the list o games that are gonna to be played, that's really impressive, and show us the greatness of one of our favourite media :) :hyper:
Last edited by myau56 on Sun Jan 6, '13, 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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