Friday the 13th

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Friday the 13th

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Mar 13, '09, 9:28 pm

Well, today is March 13th, and it is also a " Friday the 13th". So, how is this day treating you so far .... lucky or unlucky?

It's been a real stinker day for me so far - first, I'm still not feeling too well from a cold, and there has seemed to be one problem right after the other every since I got up. To top it off, it's rainy and cold today when it has been warm and sunny. Bah humbug! :grumpy: Things have calmed down a bit now, though, I just hope they stay that way.

Friday the 13th just seems to be " one of those days ". :bang:

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Postby Darkil » Fri Mar 13, '09, 9:29 pm

Well I didn't get much sleep because for some reason my left ear decided to "close" up yesterday and i kept hearing this "ocean" sound all last night. Other than the lack of sleep it's just a normal day minus the fact I'm anxious for this day to be over since I'm off on the weekend.
Shhh my common sense is tingling
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Postby Thoul » Fri Mar 13, '09, 10:22 pm

Horrible day! I woke up really dehydrated with a sore throat and a swollen uvula. I was gagging and stuff... I drank a whole bottle of water inside of ten minutes because I was so dry. It's still bothering me a little now, though it's not nearly as bad.
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Postby LordShibas » Sat Mar 14, '09, 2:11 am

I had a great day today (sorry to break up the misery in this topic :P)

I went to work in the morning, went to the gym after that. Came home and did some shopping. Went to my local exchange store and traded in a few DS games and got Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for $1.70.

Then I went to Best Buy and picked up a 2nd Resident Evil 5 Limited Edition Xbox 360 to go along with the one I already got from Amazon. Hey, I had to spend my tax return on something :wink:

Here's a pic of the 2, unopened beasts:
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Postby Wolf Bird » Sun Mar 15, '09, 8:37 pm

I'm with Shibas and breaking the misery as well. Because on Friday the 13th, I visited the Botswanan embassy and they are going to be mailing me all kinds of literature for use with thesis. That makes the day a good one in my book!
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Postby Schala Zeal » Tue Mar 17, '09, 1:09 am

I got in a big fight with my mom on Friday the 13th. D: I don't really think it had anything to do with being Friday the 13th, but it was a bad day none the less.
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Postby Lucas » Tue Mar 17, '09, 7:39 am

Well my birthday was on Friday the 13th and everything went okay well I thought so anyways :wink:

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Re: Friday the 13th

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Feb 13, '15, 10:20 pm

Just realized awhile ago that today was Friday, the 13th day of February 2015. :yikes:

Been a fairly good day so far though. Any day we have sunshine lately in this Winter weather is a good day. :yes:

How is your Friday 13th today so far?

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Friday the 13th

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Mar 12, '15, 11:58 pm

Hey, hey, hey, tomorrow is another Friday the 13th, only this time it is March 13, 2015! Seems unusual with this Friday the 13th following so close after last month's (February) Friday the 13th, but it happens. Hope everyone has a lucky day. :wink:

And, this March 13th also happens to be the anniversary of one of the great blizzards, the Blizzard of '93. Anyone remember that weather event?

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Friday the 13th

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jan 12, '17, 10:19 pm

Our first Friday the 13th of the year 2017 takes place tomorrow, January 13!

Good luck day or whatever, enjoy it! Hey, it's Friday! The weekend is near! :lol:

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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