self-checkout lanes

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self-checkout lanes

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Jul 8, '11, 10:15 pm

Does anyone here ever use the self-checkout lanes in the grocery stores?

Well, some grocery stores are now getting rid of those self-checkout lanes wanting to interact with customers more than before, etc.: ... umer_news/

I think I've only used a self-checkout about once or twice and then just for the speediness of it, and I only had about one or two items.

This might be a good idea for some stores though, especially if it could hurry the process up any more. Some checkout lanes are soooo slow!!

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Re: self-checkout lanes

Postby Thoul » Sat Jul 9, '11, 12:00 am

They're useful when they work. There's usually at least one that's out of order when you're really in a hurry. Opening up more hours for employees is good, though.
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Re: self-checkout lanes

Postby Celeith » Sun Jul 10, '11, 1:11 am

Silver_Surfer1 wrote:This might be a good idea for some stores though, especially if it could hurry the process up any more. Some checkout lanes are soooo slow!!

Especially those who have cashiers who are over 80, nothing against the elderly but it shouldn't take over 20 mins for someone to get 10 items or less done with.

I use self checkout every once in awhile, most of the time they close our self checkouts at our Wal-Mart around 6-7pm so its very tedious during the end of the day to get in and get out.
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