Kids banned at restaurants

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Kids banned at restaurants

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jul 13, '11, 8:33 pm

This is a new one on me, and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it.

A restaurant in Pennsylvania has banned kids under 6 from eating there at all due to the noise (crying, etc.) that some kids make. And, this isn't the first restaurant to make such a decision on banning kids from eating at their place of business: ... e-2509487/

So, what do you think about this decision to ban kids?

Do you think other restaurants will take up this stand and ban kids from their restaurants also?

Do you think this is discrimination?

Would you eat at a restaurant where kids were banned?

Comments or Opinions??

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Re: Kids banned at restaurants

Postby Thoul » Thu Jul 14, '11, 5:39 am

I can understand why some restaurants would take this step. If you're trying to create a quiet, peaceful atmosphere where people can relax without any kind of stress, the presence of very noisy children doesn't help your business much. If the place would ask a noisy adult to leave, applying the same policy to kids is reasonable.

I don't agree with the discrimination claim and won't unless there is some evidence that the restaurant is specifically targeting children with special needs. Screaming isn't necessarily an indication of having special needs. The law is a complicated issue on the subject, but I think the restaurant could make a strong legal case that disallowing the presence of loud children could be a legitimate interest of their business.
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